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이메일 주소 :   


  • [등록자] : Becky
  • [언어]English
  • [TEL]2132948161
  • 등록일 : 2024/06/07
  • 게재일 : 2024/06/07
  • 변경일 :2024/06/07
  • 총열람수 : 368 명
방 있어요

Ktown (4th S New Hampshire) $900

Ktown (4th S New Hampshire) $900 private room (female)
1 bedroom apartment.
Close to the train station, bus station.
Good location for students( USC, LACC, CSLA)
Located in Korea Town, and in the neighborhood there is H-Mart ( Korean supermarkets ) and many restaurants, so it is easy to live here !
Many schools in Korea Town are also within walking distance.

Safety neighborhood
Close to everything
소재지 Ktown, Los Angeles, California, 90020 United States
임대료 $900.00/월 방 타입 프라이빗
카테고리 여성룸메이트 주차장 상담
건물 타입 아파트 입주가능일 2024/7/01
시설/조건 보안,가구포함,냉장고,역근처,버스정류장근처,세탁기,엘리베이터
Web Access No.1895903


비비나비 - 룸셰어

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