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August 22, 2024 ( Thursday ) 9:00 a.m. Deadline] Call for Participants for 2024 Family Education Lecture
Let's Play with Parents and Children ! -Play and Adults' Relationships Expand Children's Worlds -
Parent-child play
August 23, 2024 ( Friday )
1:00pm - 2:30pm
Ms. Shimizume, an "expert on children's growth and play" who was involved in founding KidZania Tokyo
Central Sports Lifelong Learning Plaza ( General Lifelong Learning Plaza ) 2F Multipurpose Hall
Children from 4 years old to early elementary school age and their parents
First 15 groups ( No childcare )
●What to bring
Nothing in particular
From the following URL Electronic application
〒276-0045 Owada 138-2
Lifelong Learning Promotion Division, Board of Education
Phone : 047-481-0309
Fax : 047-486-4199
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