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  • [Registrant] : 山武警察署
  • [Language]日本語
  • [TEL]0475-82-0110
  • [Location]千葉県 山武市
  • Posted : 2024/05/28
  • Published : 2024/05/28
  • Changed :2024/05/28
  • Total View : 157 persons

Many incidents of theft of metal items !.

In recent years, with the rising prices of metals, thefts of copper wire, grating, and other metals have become more common.
☆ Metals frequently stolen
・ Copper wire ( Solar power cable, etc. )
・ Grating ( Waterway covers, road gutters, etc. )
・ Water tap
outdoor units
☆ points of interest
・ anyone ransacking solar power plants, fields, outdoor units, etc.
・ any suspicious vehicles transporting metal at night
if you see a suspicious person or vehicle, call the police Please do so. 

[Sent from]
Yamatake Police Station
1177-3 Tomitato, Yamatake, Chiba 289-1321

Vivinavi - Notification from Municipality

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