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  • [Registrant] : katsu
  • [Language]日本語
  • [Location]torrance,, California, アメリカ合衆国
  • Posted : 2024/07/20
  • Published : 2024/07/20
  • Changed :2024/07/20
  • Total View : 1081 persons
Romantic partner / Spouse

For single, senior ,65 years old, or older, Japanese women

I am also a senior, single, Japanese male. I am living alone and lonely everyday because I have not had a chance to meet anyone. I am financially well-off and have more than 100 million Japanese yen in cash assets. If you would like to meet me, I will bring the proof of bank deposit. I will enjoy senior life with fun, food, travel, and I like to cruise, so let's go together. I am looking forward to meeting you. Please contact me, katsu

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