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  • Registrant : sodani
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/04/09
  • Published : 2023/04/09
  • Changed :2023/04/09
  • Total View : 1831 persons
2023/4/15 - 2023/4/15 / San Francisco (Inner Sunset), California / Other

Dialogue Group Toward Social Justice ( 9th ).

This is a meeting where people who are thinking from a social justice perspective and working around the world connect with each other, share their experiences and insights, and engage in a frank, easygoing, constructive, and encouraging dialogue ( Free of charge. ♪ ) Of course, "just listening" is also welcome !

The theme of this meeting is "Living abroad as a Japanese speaker".
Two medical professionals will act as facilitators and provide a brave space for dialogue.

For more information, please follow this link:

Address Quarry Road Trail, San Francisco (Inner Sunset), California, 94131 アメリカ合衆国
Date 2023/4/15 - 2023/4/15
Time 7:00 minute(s) - 8:00 minute(s)
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Vivinavi - Events

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