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  • Registrant : Saniku East-West Language School
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/01/24
  • Published : 2023/01/24
  • Changed :2023/01/24
  • Total View : 708 persons
2023/2/6 / Costa Mesa, CA / Education / Children

Sanyiku Tozai Gakuen] Mommy & Me Class Participants ! !

Children learn Japanese while dancing to music and moving their bodies in a fun way. Please use it as a place for mothers to interact with their children while nurturing their social skills.

We will increase the number of experiences and "I could do it !" that cannot be done at home and lead to children's independence. !

Let's move our bodies with our friends & Please invite your friends to join our Mommy Me Class, which is full of activities.
Please register as soon as possible as the number of participants is limited.

Date : Monday, February 6, 10:00 AM ~ 11:00 AM
Location : Saniku Tozai Gakuen Irvine / Costa Mesa School Building 271 Avocado St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Inside Costa Mesa SDA Church
Target : Preschoolers + Parents
Activities : Running, ball games, tag, hand games, storytelling, etc.
Fee : Per family $ 10 Please bring cash, no change.
Instructors : Hiroshi Kawaguchi, Aya Kawaguchi

How to register : QR code on the image or from the Sahiku Tozai Gakuen website

Advance registration is required to participate.

Three Education East-West Academy Office
Address 271 Avocado st, Costa Mesa, CA, US
Date 2023/2/6
Time 10:00 minute(s) - 11:00 minute(s)
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