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  • Registrant : 千葉大祭実行委員会
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/09/25
  • Published : 2023/09/25
  • Changed :2023/09/25
  • Total View : 1700 persons
2023/11/2 - 2023/11/4 / 千葉県 千葉市 / Seasonal / Occasion

11/3 ▶ 11/5 61st "Chiba University Festival" Event

Chiba University's biggest event, Chiba University Festival!
Chiba University Festival is held every year at the beginning of November at Chiba University's Nishi-Chiba Campus!

Many clubs ・ club activities ・ departments and others will be very excited with their projects, tent stalls, and performances !
The Chiba University Festival was cancelled for two years due to the Corona disaster, but last November we were able to hold the festival for the first time in three years.
We are sure that this year's festival will be even more exciting !
We are looking forward to seeing you all ♪

For more information about the event, please check our SNS ★

Official Twitter:@ ChibaU_fes
Official Instagram:@61chibau_fes

Chiba University Festival Executive Committee
Venue Chiba University Nishi-Chiba Campus
Address 263-8522 千葉県 千葉市 稲毛区弥生町1−33
Date 2023/11/2 - 2023/11/4
Time 9:00 minute(s) - 17:00 minute(s)
Time detail
Getting here JR総武線 西千葉駅より徒歩2分
京成線 みどり台駅より徒歩7分
千葉都市モノレール 天台駅より徒歩10分

Venue detail

Vivinavi - Events

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