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  • Registrant : 岩井駅前交流拠点boccs
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2024/09/18
  • Published : 2024/09/18
  • Changed :2024/09/18
  • Total View : 22 persons
2024/9/19 - 2024/9/20 / 千葉県 南房総市 / Movie

PEACE DAY Film Festival 2024] 9/20 ( Fri ) 21 ( Sat ) Screening of "True North" and "The Nadia Oath" films

September 21 is PEACE DAY, the International Day of Peace designated by the United Nations. It is said that since the beginning of human history, there has never been a day when people did not kill others. Let's create a day when people don't kill people, even if it is only for one day. This is the International Day of Peace = PEACE DAY.

In September, boccs cinema will host [PEACE DAY Film Festival 2024 × boccs cinema] in conjunction with the NPO PEACE DAY ( ).

This year's festival will feature two films: "True North," a 3D animated film about the ordeal of a young boy, Johan, and his family as they try to escape from a North Korean concentration camp, and "Nadia ・ Murad," about a Yazidi who escaped ISIS sex slaves and appeals for peace through her testimony of the massacre The Oath of the Murad, which depicts Nadia Murad, a Yazidi who escaped ISIS sex slavery, appealing for peace through her testimony of genocide.

After watching the films, we will have a dialogue session ( free participation ・ for about 20 minutes ) to share your thoughts. Both films are documentaries that will trigger your thinking about peace. Please take this opportunity to watch them at the venue.

Date and Time
September 20, 2024 ( Friday )
10:00-12:00 "True North" ( 2020 ・ 94 minutes )
14:00-16:00 "The Nadia Oath - On Her Shoulders ( 2018 ・ 95 min )
19:00-21:00 "True North" ( 2020 ・ 94 min )
21 September 2024 ( Sat )
10:00-12:00 "Nadia's Oath - On Her Shoulders" ( 2018 ・ 95 min )
14:00-16:00 "True North" ( 2020 94min )
19:00-21:00 "Nadia's Oath - On Her Shoulders" ( 2018 ・ 95min )
125-13 Ichibe, Minamiboso, Chiba, Iwai Ekimae Koryu Base boccs ( Access ・ Contact )
right towards Iwai station entrance ( Tomiura ・ towards Tateyama ) about 100m along the railway line. parking space in front of boccs and in back yard. ( About 10 cars )
*There is also a free municipal parking lot on the north side of Iwai station ( left toward the entrance ・ toward Awa Katsuyama ).

Participation fee
General : 1000 yen
High school students and under : Free ( Elementary school students accompanied by parents )
Children in separate room ( 3 years old to elementary school students ) Look after : 500 yen /person ( maximum 3 people )
< Discount ・ Privileges >
Regular discount : 100 yen discount for those who have attended a film screening within the past 2 months
Referral discount : Repeat screening attendees with first time attendees
If you are a repeat attendee and attend a screening together with a first time attendee, you will each receive a 100 yen discount Please inform the staff at the time of your visit if this applies to you.

How to apply
Call ( 0470-29-3958 Hours: 09:00 - 21:00 ) or fill out the application form below.

Deadline : 10 minutes before each screening *Will be closed when the maximum number of participants ( 12 per session ) is reached.
If seats are available on the day of the screening, you may attend without a reservation. You will be asked to provide your name ・ phone number ・ and e-mail address when you register.

After the screening of the film, there will be time for additional commentary and sharing of impressions. ( About 20 minutes ・ Optional participation )
If you come by car, please park at boccs or municipal parking lot. Please do not park on the street in front of the station ・ or in front of private houses.
If you need to cancel after making a reservation, please contact us by phone ( 0470-29-3958 response time 09:00-21:00 ) or by form.

Iwai Ekimae Koryu BOCKS ( BOCKS )
125-13 Ichibe, Minamiboso, Chiba 299-2226
TEL: 0470-29-3958 | FAX: 0470-29-3959
Venue Iwai Ekimae Exchange Center boccs
Address 299-2226 千葉県 南房総市 市部125−13
Date 2024/9/19 - 2024/9/20
Time 10:00 minute(s) - 21:00 minute(s)
Time detail 2024 ( Fri )
10:00-12:00 "True North" ( 2020 ・ 94 min )
14:00-16:00 "The Oath of Nadia - On Her Shoulders" ( 2018 ・ 95 min )
19:00-21:00 "True North" ( 2020 ・ 94 min )
September 21, 2024 ( Sat )
10:00-12:00 " Nadia's Oath - On Her Shoulders" ( 2018 ・ 95 min )
14:00-16:00 "True North" ( 2020 ・ 94 min )
19:00-21: 00 "Nadia's Oath - On Her Shoulders" ( 2018 ・ 95 min )
Getting here 公共交通機関でお越しの方

特急新宿さざなみ 1号(新宿-千葉-館山 ※土日祝のみ)運行予定・時刻表
「ハイウェイオアシス富楽里(道の駅 富楽里とみやま)」から徒歩15分

高速バス 房総なのはな号・新宿なのはな号(東京・新宿⇒木更津・君津・館山)時刻表
高速バス 南総里見号(千葉みなと駅・千葉駅・蘇我駅⇒木更津羽鳥野⇒館山駅・安房白浜駅 ※予約不可)時刻表


※「岩井駅前交流拠点 boccs」を目的地に指定すると、岩井駅南の踏切から線路沿いの道に入るルートが出てくることがありますが、幅が狭く入りにくいため、上記の岩井駅経由ルートをおすすめします。
Venue detail 〒299-2226 千葉県南房総市市部125-13 岩井駅前交流拠点 boccs(ボックス)
営業時間:月〜土 9:00〜21:00、日 9:00〜12:00 定休日:不定休

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