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  • Registrant : 奈良市
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/09/06
  • Published : 2023/09/06
  • Changed :2023/09/06
  • Total View : 244 persons
2023/10/13 - 2023/11/10 / 奈良市 / Shopping

Tobu Plateau Marché 2023 in Mi ・ Nala

This year's Marche ( Market ) will be held at Mi ・ Nala, where each of the direct-sale shops in the eastern region will exhibit their products.
In addition to seasonal vegetables, the Marché will feature many local specialties and processed products.
Please take this opportunity to experience the rich culinary charm of the eastern region.

In the eastern area of Nara City, a variety of agricultural products are carefully grown in a natural environment blessed with clean water and clean air.
The direct sales shops in the eastern area, where such "freshly picked" agricultural products are gathered, are visited by many fans, including chefs from restaurants in the city center.

This time, a Marché ( market ) will be held at Mi ・ Nala, where each direct sales market in the eastern region will exhibit its products.
In addition to seasonal vegetables, the Marché will feature many local specialties and processed products.
Please take this opportunity to experience the rich culinary charm of the eastern region.

Venue Mi ・ Nala 1F main entrance ( Omiya Street side )
Address 奈良市
Date 2023/10/13 - 2023/11/10
Time 10:00 minute(s) - 14:00 minute(s)
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