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It is also recommended for free research during summer vacation !.
SDGs ( SDGs ) are a set of goals to improve the world by 2030. There are 17 goals in total. People around the world are working to preserve the earth's abundant resources for the future, solve current problems, and create a world where everyone can live happily.
Following last year, boccs will hold SDGs workshop for elementary and junior high school students and adults during this summer vacation.
We will watch the movie "Plastic Ocean" ( subtitle ・ 100min ) shortened version ( dubbed ・ 22min ) and then talk to Hitoshi Ohata, a Kisarazu resident who works on the issue of ocean pollution. Then we will head to Iwai Beach to actually experience a beach cleanup and have a group presentation on what they thought about it.
Recommended for free research during summer vacation. ! Let's think together what we can do to reduce plastic waste in the ocean.
SDGs Workshop ( Film "The Sea of Plastic ( Dubbing / 22min )" Screening & Lecture by Hitoshi Ohata & Beach Clean )
Title "The Sea of Plastic <2464> Short Version ・ 22min )
The film "The Sea of Plastic" follows the problem of ocean plastic, which is a major global issue. In Japan, the Japanese subtitled version ( 100 min ) was released in November 2020, followed by a series of independent screenings throughout the country, which received a great response. There were calls for more children to see the film ! at schools and other venues, so a Japanese dubbed version was produced as a shortened 22-minute version. This time, we will show this dubbed ・ shortened version.
Goal 6 : Safe Water and Toilets Around the World
Goal 12 : Responsibility to Produce and Use
Goal 14 : Protect the Abundance of the Ocean
Goal 17 : Achieve our goals in partnership
Introduction ( Quotes from the official website )
Many scientists and intellectuals are alarmed by the problem of ocean plastic. As much as 8 million tons of plastic is dumped into the ocean each year. Most of it sinks to the ocean floor, and plastics drifting on the surface and in the ocean do not decompose permanently, but become microplastics and become part of the food chain. What is the reality of marine pollution from plastic waste ? and how does plastic affect the oceans, plankton, whales, seabirds, and human health ? David ・ Attenborough, Sylvia ・ Earl, Tanya ・ Streeter, Barack ・ Featuring Obama and others. A must-see documentary for all humans living with the ocean.
Event Details
Theme "SDGs 14. Protect the Abundance of the Ocean"
[Date] August 6, 2023 ( Sun ) 13:30-16:30
[Target] Elementary school students to adults
[Capacity] 20 people up to
[Participation fee] 1 person ( Elementary school students and older ) 500 yen
*Elementary school students and younger must be accompanied by a parent or guardian
*Preschoolers may use the kids' space
*Participation only for movies is also OK, such as time constraints
*Please wear clothes, drinks, etc. to avoid heat stroke. ( It will be a hot time during the day, so please take it easy if you have any health problems )
How to register
Please purchase your ticket at the following page.
Contact us
0470-29-3958 ( Mon-Fri 09:00 ~ 17:00 )
E-mail address :
Venue | Iwai Ekimae Exchange Center boccs |
Address | 299-2226 千葉県 南房総市 市部125−13 |
Date | 2023/8/5 - 2023/8/5 |
Time | 13:30 minute(s) - 16:00 minute(s) |
Time detail | [Schedule] 13:20 - Doors open 13:30 - Orientation/Introduction 13:45 - Let's learn about SDGs ! Quiz 14:00 - Movie "Plastic Ocean" ( Dubbed ・ 22 min ) 14:30 - Lecture by Mr. Hitoshi Ohata, NPO The Global Board 15:00 - Move to Iwai Beach 15:10 - Beach Clean 15:30 - Share impressions while looking at trash picked up 15:50 - Move to BOCKS 16:10 - Summary presentation in groups 16:30 - Dismissal |
Getting here | 車でお越しの方 Googleマップ・カーナビで「岩井駅」を目的地に指定 岩井駅に着いたら右折(南へ) 線路沿いの道(Googleマップでは表示されないが車両走行可)を通ってすぐ。 建物入口前と裏庭に駐車スペースあり。(約10台)※岩井駅北側(入口向かって左手・安房勝山方面)に市営の無料駐車場もあります。 ※「岩井駅前交流拠点 boccs」を目的地に指定すると、岩井駅南の踏切から線路沿いの道に入るルートが出てくることがありますが、幅が狭く入りにくいため、上記の岩井駅経由ルートをおすすめします。 公共交通機関でお越しの方 電車 JR内房線「岩井駅」から徒歩1分 (参考情報) JR内房線「岩井駅」時刻表 特急新宿さざなみ 1号(新宿-千葉-館山 ※土日祝のみ)運行予定・時刻表 高速バス 「ハイウェイオアシス富楽里(道の駅 富楽里とみやま)」から徒歩15分 (参考情報) 高速バス 房総なのはな号・新宿なのはな号(東京・新宿⇒木更津・君津・館山)時刻表 高速バスネット(房総なのはな号・新宿なのはな号)空席照会・予約 高速バス 南総里見号(千葉みなと駅・千葉駅・蘇我駅⇒木更津羽鳥野⇒館山駅・安房白浜駅 ※予約不可)時刻表 |
Venue detail | 〒299-2226 千葉県南房総市市部125-13 岩井駅前交流拠点 boccs(ボックス) 営業時間:月〜土 9:00〜21:00、日 9:00〜12:00 定休日:不定休 |
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