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  • [注册人] : Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
  • [语言]日本語
  • [区]Baltimore, MD
  • 注册日期 : 2024/11/18
  • 发布日 : 2024/11/18
  • 更改日期 :2024/11/18
  • 总浏览次数 : 42 人

LTSS Newsletter—November 2024

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LTSS webinar, November 20 – Building a Dementia Training for First Responders

American Indian/Alaska Native Long-Term Services and Supports
Technical assistance for culturally competent care
November 2024

CMS LTSS banner

LTSS Technical Assistance Center Visit the online LTSS TA Center [ https://www.cms.gov/Outreach-and-Education/American-Indian-Alaska-Native/AIAN/LongTermCare.html ] for videos, best practices, toolkits, a resource library, and a step-by-step planning roadmap.

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Join us on LinkedIn [ https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8271926/ ]

Follow us on X [ https://twitter.com/cmsgov ]

*Traditional healing and culturally appropriate care*

In October, CMS approved waivers to cover traditional health care practices [ https://www.hhs.gov/about/news/2024/10/16/biden-harris-administration-takes-groundbreaking-action-expand-health-care-access-covering-traditional-health-care-practices.html ] in clinics, homes, and sacred sites in Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Oregon. Facilities are able to choose which traditional healing services to offer based on the communities served. The goal of the waivers is to improve health outcomes for tribal citizens by increasing access to culturally appropriate care.

Notably, traditional healing services can be used for long-term care in Arizona, New Mexico, and Oregon. (In California, covered services are limited to substance use treatment for now.)

As reported by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Indian Health Service Director Roselyn Tso has said, “These practices have sustained our people’s health for generations and continue to serve as a vital link between culture, science, and wellness in many of our communities.”

Join CMS for a virtual National American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month event, Traditional Healer: Caring for the People [ https://cms.zoomgov.com/j/1603677203?pwd=UkpDbC9vSDBRRGh0ZzhJWjNmVWhUQT09#success ], *November 19 from 2–3 p.m. Eastern.* John Tsosie, traditional healer for Navajo Nation, will present on the role of culture and traditional medicine in healing.

*Financing HCBS and
facility-based care*

Recently approved 1115 waivers open up new opportunities for Indian Health Service facilities, tribal facilities, and urban Indian organizations to provide traditional healing services for long-term care.


For more information about financing long-term care, visit the CMS LTSS Technical Assistance Center’s Financial Planning Steps page [ https://www.cms.gov/training-education/partner-outreach-resources/american-indian-alaska-native/ltss-ta-center/information/ltss-financing/financial-planning-steps ], which reviews cost considerations for home- and community-based services (HCBS) and facility-based care.


The page also covers funding sources for LTSS programs. Additionally, it offers tips for tribes working with states to support LTSS program costs, including through 100% federal medical assistance percentage.


A nurse checks a patient's heart




*Healthy Brain, Healthy Aging rack card*

In observance of National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month, share a new Healthy Brain, Healthy Aging rack card [ https://iasquared.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Healthy-Brain-Rack-Card-Final.pdf ] (PDF, 2.5 MB, 2 pp) from the International Association for Indigenous Aging.


The rack card reminds Native people that staying connected to their communities and culture can help lower their risk of dementia. To that end, the rack card recommends:


* Engaging in traditional practices, like storytelling and beading
* Staying active by dancing or walking
* Preparing and harvesting traditional foods and medicines
* Learning, practicing, and teaching their tribe’s language


*Continuing education available through NCUIH*

Nurses and other health care professionals now have the opportunity to learn more about urban Indian health and earn continuing education credits at no charge, thanks to the efforts of the National Council of Urban Indian Health (NCUIH).


The credits are awarded upon completion of culturally tailored educational activities on topics such as cultural humility, infection prevention and control, and long COVID.


To access the activities, visit NCUIH’s microsite [ https://edhub.ama-assn.org/ncuih-education?utm_source=ncuih&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=backlink&utm_term=20240313&utm_content=ncuih ] on an online platform called AMA (American Medical Association) Ed Hub.


LinkedIn Tribal Affairs Group


Join the conversation on LinkedIn

Want to learn more about or discuss LTSS in Indian Country? Looking to connect with others working in the same field?

Join the Tribal Affairs Group [ http://cms.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c0033d065eadb44cbd20725a3&id=116fe94e25&e=8f57678a0b ] on LinkedIn.

Upcoming webinar

*Building a Dementia Training for First Responders*

* Wednesday, November 20 *

First responders and health care providers often interact with people living with dementia and their caregivers. This webinar will highlight an award-winning program developed to help first responders and health care providers better address the needs of people with dementia and their caregivers. The presenters will also discuss the road to develop the training and offer tips for engaging local partners.




* Describe the process for completing the training through EMSconnect
* Provide an overview of what the training covers
* Review expansion of training to support people living with dementia
* Discuss supporting and engaging tribal partnerships

Register [ https://kauffmaninc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1CYLJqX9RIS54-vfBjrXFw#/registration ]

*Please note your *

*location's call-in time:*


9 a.m. Hawaii

10 a.m. Alaska

11 a.m. Pacific

12 p.m. Mountain

1 p.m. Central

2 p.m. Eastern


Have questions for our presenters? Let us know before the webinar by emailing ltssinfo@kauffmaninc.com.

_Register now [ https://kauffmaninc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1CYLJqX9RIS54-vfBjrXFw#/registration ]_.


Jenni Jones

*Jenni Jones*
Planning Coordinator
Aging & Long Term Care of Eastern Washington

Tara Hill Matthews

*Tara Hill Matthews*
Dementia Resource Catalyst
Aging & Long Term Care of Eastern Washington

Caregiver's corner

*Resource guide for older veterans*

Front cover of the Older Veteran Behavioral Health Resource Inventory

Veterans face unique behavioral health needs as they age.


That’s why health and social service professionals who support older veterans are encouraged to review a behavioral health resource guide [ https://www.mentalhealth.va.gov/communityproviders/assets/docs/benefits/Older_Veteran_Behavioral_Health_Resource_Inventory.pdf ] (PDF, 1.7 MB, 22 pp) for programs and publications that families and friends of veterans may find helpful.


The guide covers topics such as suicide prevention, post-traumatic stress disorder, and LTSS.


Funding opportunities

*Tribal transportation safety*

*Applications due: January 15, 2025*
Learn more about the tribal transportation safety funding opportunity [ https://www.grants.gov/search-results-detail/345315 ]


The Tribal Transportation Program Safety Fund expects to award 110 discretionary grants for efforts to reduce the number of deaths and serious injuries due to motor vehicle crashes and other transportation-related incidents.


Grants will be awarded to federally recognized tribes for projects in the following categories:


* Transportation safety plans
* Data assessment, improvement, and analysis activities
* Systemic roadway departure countermeasures
* Infrastructure improvements


Upcoming events

*Webinar on services for people with IDDs*

*December 9 at 3 p.m. Eastern*
Register for the webinar on services for people with IDDs [ https://rtiorg.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_60hLL8BjRS6OOOrFL1tuhA#/registration ]


Learn about a support program developed to address the needs of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs), a population that is at increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia.


Located in Jacksonville, Florida, the program offers a day center, caregiver support and education, and trainings focused on IDDs and dementia.


*Webinar on the health needs of veterans*

*December 11 at 1 p.m. Eastern*
Register for the webinar on the health needs of veterans [ https://www.asaging.org/web-seminars/understanding-health-impacts-military-service ]


Join an American Society on Aging webinar for a better understanding of how military service and deployment impact physical and behavioral health. Presenters will:


* Focus on a team-based approach to care management
* Highlight services and resources available to veterans


*Early bird registration for On Aging 2025*

*April 21–24
Orlando, Florida*
Register for On Aging 2025 [ https://asaging.org/on-aging ]


*November 22* is the early bird registration deadline for On Aging 2025, the annual conference of the American Society on Aging. Themed “Ageism & Culture,” the conference will highlight policy recommendations that can help make our society more inclusive of elders.


Send us your news

Do you have news to share about LTSS in Indian Country? Send it to ltssinfo@kauffmaninc.com for possible inclusion in an upcoming newsletter. Contact us with other comments or feedback, too.


About the newsletter

American Indian/Alaska Native Long-Term Services and Supports Solutions is published monthly by the CMS Division of Tribal Affairs to share information, funding opportunities, and resources with LTSS planners, tribal leaders, and supporters.

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services [ http://cms.gov ] Indian Health Service [ http://ihs.gov ]Administration for Community Living [ http://acl.gov ] [ http://ihs.gov ]


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