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  • Registrant : mikame
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/12/14
  • Published : 2023/12/14
  • Changed :2023/12/14
  • Total View : 641 persons
2023/12/17 - 2023/12/17 / Honolulu, HI / Beauty / Health

SOUND BATH with AROMA Sound Bath with Aroma

Relax your body and mind with sound bath and aroma. For your meditation. Enjoy the finest relaxation for your own mind and body.

We will be holding a sound bath in the second floor hall of Honolulu Myohoji Temple in Nuuanu

Surrounded by the aroma of aroma, healing and awakening with sound healing.
Feel your inner radiance, vitality, and healing energy
work on your own mind and body that have done well in 2023 We hope this will be such a time for you.

( What to bring )
Please bring a yoga mat or rug.
We also recommend bringing pillows and blankets.
Please bring a jacket, water, crystals, etc. as needed.

( Fee )
Donation Suggested $20

Sound Healing : Mika Erickson
Aromatherapist : Masako McMahon

Address 2003 Nuuanu Ave, Honolulu, HI, 96817
Date 2023/12/17 - 2023/12/17
Time 16:30 minute(s) - 17:30 minute(s)
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