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  • Registrante : City of Portland
  • [Idioma]日本語
  • Fecha registrada : 2023/11/16
  • Fecha de Publicación : 2023/11/16
  •   ;: fecha de cambio2023/11/16
  • Vista de Página. : 
2024/2/24 - 2024/2/25 / Portland / Concierto / Eventos en vivo

Jurassic Park in Concert

This action-packed adventure pits man against prehistoric predators in the ultimate battle for survival. Now audiences can experience Jurassic Park as never before, projected on the big screen with the orchestra performing John Williams’ iconic score live.

This action-packed adventure pits man against prehistoric predators in the ultimate battle for survival. Now audiences can experience Jurassic Park as never before, projected on the big screen with the orchestra performing John Williams’ iconic score live.

Dirección Portland
Fecha 2024/2/24 - 2024/2/25
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Vivinavi - Eventos

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