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2019年8月16日~2019年8月17日 / Moscow, モスクワ / 演奏会・音乐会
会場 | Brateevsky park/Братеевский каскадный парк |
住所 | Borisovskiye prudi street, 31, Moscow, モスクワ, 115573 ロシア |
日程 | 2019年8月16日~2019年8月17日 |
時間 | 14時00分~23時00分 |
- [時間詳細]
14:00 - 20:00 Sport and creative activities, quests, lectures, market, food court
18:30 - 20:30 Best musicians on the unique stage of the festival
21:00 - 22:45 8 world's best pyroteams prepare their displays according to the contest terms and conditions and compete with each other. Unforgettable light and laser show between the pyromusic performances.
- [アクセス]
- [会場詳細]
The international fireworks festival ROSTEC
- [お問い合わせ先]
- smi@pyrotec.ru
- [登録者]The international fireworks festival ROSTEC
- [言語]日本語
- 登録日 : 2019/08/12
- 掲載日 : 2019/08/12
- 変更日 : 2019/08/12
- 総閲覧数 : 396 人
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【About festival】
The international fireworks festival ROSTEC is the largest international festival of pyrotechnical art that will take place 17-18 August 2019 in Brateevsky park, Moscow. This year the festival is dedicated to the theatre.
The leading pyro teams from all over the world gather together to surprise our spectators and to compete against each other.
Especially for the festival we will create a mascot -the fairy tale Dragon “Zmey Gorynich”.
There will be an impressive daytime program including music concerts, sport activities, quests, lectures, market, food court is awaiting for our guests.
◆Daytime program
14:00 - 20:00 Sport and creative activities, quests, lectures, market, food court
◆Headliners of the festival
18:30 - 20:30 Best musicians on the unique stage of the festival
◆Pyro and light show
21:00 - 22:45 8 world's best pyroteams prepare their displays according to the contest terms and conditions and compete with each other. Unforgettable light and laser show between the pyromusic performances.
8 teams prepare fireworks display shows according to the topic of competition:
Fireworks show using the colors of the national flag and to the national music
Fireworks display show to the topic "All world is a stage" and to the music from popular all across the world opera, ballet and musical compositions.
Four countries perform on Saturday, other four countries perform on Sunday. After that the judges award 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Since 2017 teams are able to get audience choice award.
The judges will evaluate composition integrity, synchrony of shots and background music, tempo-rhythm, pyrotechnic know-how, compliance of the show with the designated technical specifications (timing and caliber shells).
【Rules of the festival】
・The entry to the Festival is allowed only after showing a ticket, invitation or other form of admission pass to the festival.
・Children under 7 are allowed to enter the Festival for free (accompanied by adults with tickets but without guaranteed seats on a tribune.
・After showing ticket you will be given special bracelets.
In the absence of any other grounds for denial of access, you are allowed to enter/exit the entertainment area. We draw your attention to the fact that all entrants are subject to pat down and bag search upon entering the entertainment area.
・Losing your ticket (bracelet) will lead to automatic prohibition of admission to the territory of the Festival. Be attentive with bracelets! In order to get a new bracelet, you will need to purchase a ticket again.
・If you find a lost item, please take it to Lost&Found office so its owner can pick it up. You can also apply there if you lost things or documents on the festival area.
・If you have any questions, you can turn to the organizers of the Festival, volunteers or security staff.
・While on the Festival area, all visitors must strictly observe all legal requirements of law enforcement officers and security services of the Festival.
We ask you:
・Do not leave children unattended.
・Observe the public order and generally accepted norms of behavior, behave respectfully towards other visitors and participants of the Festival, as well as persons responsible for the observance of order.
・Avoid activities that may cause danger to others.
・To keep cleanliness in the territory and throw garbage only in special containers.
You are not allowed to:
・Bring to the Festival area large bags (large bundles, suitcases and other items that may interfere with other participants, as well as with the safe conduct of the event.
・Bring to the Festival area stabbing and cutting objects, gas and pepper spray cans, firecrackers and any other flammable substances, any kind of weapons and means of self-defense.
・Bring to the Festival area food products (except baby food), alcoholic beverages, beer, any other drinks (except special children's drinking water in closed packages) and products in glass and metal containers to the Festival territory.
・Be on the territory of the Festival on bicycles, rollers, scooters, etc.
・Drink alcoholic beverages, be on the territory of the Festival in a state of alcohol and / or narcotic intoxication
・Smoke in places not provided for this purpose.
・Climb on fences, parapets, lighting devices, trees, load-bearing structures; damage equipment and elements of decoration of structures, green spaces, etc.
・Interfere with the work of any equipment, stage structures and personnel on the territory of the Festival.
・Pass the territory closed to visitors (office space, indoor premises, etc.).
・Bring any pets to the Festival area.
・Bring metal tripods for filming. The entrance with plastic tripods is permitted.
・Please note that in case of violation of the rules, you may be denied access to the territory of the festival.
Person violating the rules will be removed from the territory without compensation for the ticket price.